Please read this section carefully to know what to expect and to avoid your work being disqualified. Moreover, we reserve the right to change any of the rules and regulations at any time.

If you have any issues when trying to enter or have further inquiries, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Judging & Deadline

  The 2021 PSII fiction writing contest will be judged by a select few faculty memebers and students at the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry.

This year’s contest has a long submission period; this is intentional as it allows us to adapt and learn during our first try. The deadline for entry will be the last day of August (August 31, 2021). After that date, we will no longer be accepting manuscripts.

Format & Submission

We do not have many requirements in the way of formatting your piece: as long as it is written in 12-point font and double-spaced, it will be accepted. Keep in mind, however, that although there is no minimum word limit, your piece cannot be any more than 2,000 words in length (we will be using Word to count the number of words in any given document). Additionally, include the title of your piece and your age (in arabic numerals) beside or below it on the same page; this allows us to group you into the right category. This contest will be judged blind, which means you are strictly barred from putting your name anywhere on the document—and that includes naming any of the characters after yourself.

To submit the piece, please use the portal below. It will direct you to our shop page, where you can purchase your entry to the contest. To finalize the process, you will be prompted to give some personal information (solely for payment) and to attach your story as a document (we accept .doc, .docx, txt, PDF). Voilà, you’re set!


There will be 2 winners (first and second place) for both the below 19 and above 19 categories. The first-place winner in each category will be awarded with a $100 cash prize. Second place winners will receive $50.

            All the winners will have their work posted on the PSII Literary Contests website and the official PSII website. First place winners will additionally have their work published in Issue 2 of the PSII Literary magazine which will be published late June-early July 2022.

            Moreover, keep in mind that if you win, we expect minor revisions and edits will be necessary before we publish your piece. We hope to work collaboratively in order to ensure that we do not change the intended meaning or core aspects of your story as we understand the connection a writer can have with his/her/their work.


         This contest will be open to anyone of any age and from any place as long as the story is written in English. We will ask for your age when you submit; however, that is only because we will be judging in two separate categories: above 19 and below. This is to ensure that your work will be judged against that of your peers.

            Judges, their immediate family (parents, siblings, and children), and anyone living with them throughout the duration of the contest are, of course, barred from entry.


         Your work is yours, and you will retain the rights to it. That said, by accepting the prize, you agree to have your work put in our magazine and posted on the PSII Literary Contests website and the official PSII website. Additionally, you agree to allow PSII Literary Contests to abridge, edit, or excerpt the work for publication.


  • All submissions are final. That means that once submitted, there will be no reimbursements, and we will accept no revisions.
  • We will only accept computer-typed stories.
  • Manuscripts will not be returned, and we will not give feedback or comments.



         A small $10 entry fee will be necessary if you wish to enter. We use this money to cover the cost of prize money and to help support the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry. All money, therefore, that does not go towards paying our winners will be deposited directly into the PSII bank account to help support students’ learning.  Furthermore, for your knowledge, the Learningstorm education society is registered as a charity in Canada.

Other Inquiries

         Can I submit multiple pieces?

            Yes, you can! However, you will have to pay an entry fee for each entry, submitting them separately. If you submit two on the same entry, we will only look at one and ignore the other.

            Can I submit a piece if I have already submitted it somewhere else?

            We will not be nit-picky about double submissions; however, many contests do have stringent rules, and as such we do recommend that you make sure that the other contest which you have entered does not have any restrictions on multiple submissions. Our only requirement is that the piece you submit to the contest has not been previously published and/or been the winning piece in another literary contest.

            Is there a theme?

            There is no theme. As long as the piece is fiction and 2,000 words or less in length, it will be accepted.

            When will the results be published?

            There is no set time. You can expect the results around late December-early January.