All rights are maintained by the authors. Please also be mindful that the opinions expressed in these pieces do not necessarily reflect the stances of PSII as an institution.

Educational Resources/Essays

On Short Fiction: An essay written by Luka Subin, a fellow PSII learner, that discusses how to write and approach short fiction, drawing from advice given by English teachers everywhere, the author’s personal experience, and George Orwell’s literary theories.

The Snowflake Method: Written by Jeff Hopkins, this is a step-by-step guide on how to properly use the snowflake method – an in-depth, exilierating way to plotpoint a novel – in order to get you started on your novel-writing journey!


Do No Harm: A short story written by Jeff Hokins that seeks to illuminate the philosophical implications of Kant’s categorical imperative through chronicaling the adventures of Ewan, a human austronaut.

It’s Not You I Sought, But It’s You I Seek: The first place winner of our 2021 PSII Fiction Contest, this story follows a heartwarming tale of young love.

Home: The second place winner of our 2021 PSII Fiction Contest, this story’s ominous tone will make you think deeply about pain, mortality, death, and love.


The Man from Tralfamadore: This essay, written by Luka Subin, is a deep dive into the work of Kurt Vonnegut, one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.

An Essay Concerning Love: This essay came to me (Luka Subin) from an elusive and little-known author going by the name Amor V. Omnia. When it first arrived in my inbox I thought it was some scam, but when I opened it, took a closer look, I found in it a wonderful exposition with a profound message. The author had only one message for any prospective reader: “Darkness and light require one another: in the shadows truth is found and in the light it is exposed!”